O mapa conceitual como ferramenta avaliativa




The achievement of a more formative evaluation remains being just a delineated sketch into the horizon of possibilities. Attempts had been implemented, many advances were conquered, but, even so, subsists an evaluation more classifier yet and, thus, centered on mere verification of the occurrence or of the information’s retention. Nevertheless, to change the contents - conception of evaluation - sometimes is necessary to change the form- evaluative instrumental. Hence, the main objective of this survey was: to comprehend in which aspects the introduction of a new evaluative tool - the conceptual map – would contribute for the achievement of a formative evaluation. In the attempt to reach out the established objective, qualitative approach was chosen, on the modality study of evaluative case, for to fit better to this research’s interests, which was made in a confessional private school, in the state of Santa Catarina, at Itajaí city. In this research’s effective, many strategies were implemented to obtain the informations: questionaries, semi-structured interviews; documental analysis. The survey is based on theoretical presuppositions from the Significant Apprenticeship Theory, from the Information Processing in a Constructivist Vision Theory and in the contemporary models of educational evaluation, in a regulator and formative perspective, allowing to verify that the use of the conceptual map as a evaluative tool makes possible the formative dimension’s concretization, once it enlightens the meanders whereby the student advances in the dominion of the proposed knowledges, offering rates for the reorganization of the teacher’s work.


avaliação educacional mapa conceitual (educação) aprendizagem - avaliação educational evaluation conceptual map (education) learning - evaluation

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