O ensino jurÃdico: uma anÃlise dos discursos do MEC e da OAB no perÃodo de 1995-2002




In this research, of qualitative nature, we look for to contribute for the agreement of the speeches of the MEC and the OAB on legal education in Brazil, during the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) 1995 the 2002. We search to understand and to explore, until point one politics of State - as it was the Managing Plan of the Reformation of the Device of the State (MARE, 1995) - influenced in the construction of new structure legal for Brazilian superior education, by means of the principles consecrated for the neoliberalismo, such as: efficiency, evaluation, flexibilization and regulation. After that, we relate the divergences of the MEC and of the OAB for legal education leaving of the analysis of It would carry MEC n. 1.886/94, defending the minimum resume, with Appearance CES/CNE/MEC n. 146/02, treating to the National Curricular Lines of direction, both related to legal education. Thus we only obtain to understand all the relation of being able that it involves the MEC and the OAB concerning the subject "legal education", since the authorization of a new course, passing for the definition of the curricular politics, until the evaluation of the courses that if gave, for "progo" of the MEC and for stamp "OAB IT RECOMMENDS", of the Commission of Legal Education of the OAB. The applied methodology congregates an exhausting survey of bibliographical sources, registers, folloied of theapplicability of interviews with actors of the cycle Brazilian politician, who had played basic role in the decision taking on the question. The analysis of the speech of these actors allied to the theoretical premise allows to an ample analysis of legal education contemporary. We consider of conclusive form that the subject denotes importance and continuity of quarrels, over all in the question directed toward the ineditismo in Brazilian educational literature


reforma do estado ensino jurÃdico educacao higher education legal education the reformation of the state educaÃÃo superior

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