Uma anÃlise das desigualdades dos estados brasileiros no perÃodo 1950-1999: o papel dos gastos governamentais




The development of the inequalities among the state economies in the Brazilian economy between 1950/1999 presents two different periods: the one that comes until the nineties and the following phase. In the first one, there is a sense among the studious that a reduction of the differences between the levels and the rhythm of growing among the States of Brazil happened. As pushing factors of this process there is the Federal Government through direct investments or by creation of mechanisms, that would stimulate the investments in those regions and states that wouldn`t attract the private initiative by the so existent structure. Since the nineties, with the fiscal crises of the Federal Government, the demand for labor hand more qualified by the existing technologic standard and the creation of MERCOSUL, that provides more benefits to States laying in South and Southeast Regions, have questioned about the possibility of income reconcentration in the state economies. Nevertheless, with the actions of the Federal Government, an analysis of the obtained results in face of different budgetary allocations, from the other levels of Government, among the Brazilian States, becomes necessary. In this context, this survey intends to analyze the performance of the budgetary allocations in the State in the evolution presented by the state economies incomes until the present moment


mercosul mercosul economia economia brasileira - 1995/1999 state economies reconcentraÃÃo de renda economias estaduais income reconcentration brazilian economy - 1995/1999

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