O ensino da matemática e da física numa perspectiva integracionista




This paper seeks to accomplish a study of the Mathematics/Physics relationship relevant to the teaching/learning processes, concerning the specific contents of scalar kinematics (Physics) and functions (Mathematics), in medium level schooling. We show that some physical phenomena, specifically of kinematics, can be approached from its mathematical relationships, which can be admitted as acting as a structural language, that gives consistency to the physical knowledge. An integration of these two disciplines, can be achieved in this context, in which we believed that contributes to a better significance of the concepts by the students. In this research, we invest in an integration model of these two contents and try to evaluate what kind of pedagogic gain this integration can offer to the students. The integrationist perspective that we approached is about the physical construction of concepts, starting from the empiric experimentation combined with the mathematical analysis of specific phenomena of the kinematics. We understand that Mathematics is more than a simple support in the development of the physical concepts, it is current in the scientific activities: either in its process or in its product, either in a concept definition or in the articulation among the elements of a scientific theory. The integration of the contents mentioned above finds back-up even in the epistemology of the function concept, through the works of Oresme (séc. XIV), as well as Galileu (séc. XVI), which we also approached here. We adopt a theoretical picture that is based mainly on the concepts of registering representations, didactic contract, didactic and a-didactic situations, as well as in the ideas of action, formulation and validation, all coming from the foundations of the French didacticism. We use the methodology of the didactic engineering and formulate a sequence of activities which seeks to develop the constructive integration of the mentioned contents


matematica -- estudo e ensino functions integracao funcoes fisica (ensino medio) -- estudo e ensino didatica matematica funcoes -- matematica educacao matematica integration cinematica didactic

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