O discurso fundador Lacaniano como efeito de deslocamentos e (in)versões de sentidos




This research was designed to answer the question: what makes the Lacanian discourse be considered a found(er)(ing) discourse in the field of Psychoanalysis? The lacanian discourse is constituted by displacements and inversions of meanings which establish a rupture with those meanings produced by Linguistics and Freudian psychoanalysis. The general objective of this research was to analyze such displacements and inversions of meanings. Specifically, we aimed at: (1) describing the heterogeneity of these displacements and inversions of meanings, (2) analyzing, socially and historically, this heterogeneity by identifying its effects of meaning in the production of Lacanian discourse, (3) pointing out the contradictions and misunderstandings present in the Lacanian discourse, (3) identifying the marks of subjectivity which indicate the singularity of meanings produced by the discourse of Psychoanalysis. The research was carried out under the hypothesis which supports the idea that the Lacanian discourse is an effect of displacements and inversions of meanings produced by Linguistics and Freudian Psychoanalysis. It is by moving, articulating and organizing meanings already produced that the different, another discourse in the field of Psychoanalysis becomes possible and makes the Lacanian discourse founding. Theoretically, this study was supported by the conceptions of this so called French Discourse Analysis School, which follows Michel Pêcheux postulates as well as the lacanian conception of the subject. The corpus analyzed was the The Seminar, Book 5: The formations of the unconscious (19571958) , by Jacques Lacan.


discurso fundador; founding discourse; meaning sentido linguistica heterogeneity; heterogeneidade; análise do discurso discourses analysis;

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