O direito à autonomia ético-existencial da pessoa homossexual da constituição da família como decorrência dos princípios da igualdade e da liberdade / The Right of the homossexual individuals to Ethical-Existential Authonomy concerning family constitution due to the principles of iquality and liberty.




This work deals with the possibility of guaranteeing the right to constitute a family by homosexual couples. It is assumed initially, from the opening clause of the second paragraph of article five, the right to constitute a family as a materially fundamental right, as a result of the right to formal equality and the right to freedom. The first because it determines an identical legal treatment when there is no reasonable argument to justify an eventual discrimination. The second because understood as an ethical and existential autonomy, provides a prima facie freedom, which can only be restrained if based on a sufficiently relevant value. Both supported by the principle of human dignity. The self-applicability of the fundamental rights guarantees the possibility of intervention of the Judiciary before the legal omission related to the normative discipline of homosexual unions. It is also analyzed the possibility of broad interpretation of the article 226 of the Federal Constitution including the family formed by homosexuals among the models of family entities, considering the principle of human dignity as a general clause on protection of the person. Key words: Autonomy. Equality. Family. Homosexual. Fundamental rights.


direito constitucional homossexualidade - dissertaÇÕes direitos fundamentais - dissertaÇÕes

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