O ciclo de vida da área turística: um estudo sobre a ilha de Porto Belo/SC




The study establishes the life cycle of the enterprise Porto Belo Island, located on the central northern coast of Santa Catarina. Based in the quantification of tourism demand, it identifies stages within the precepts established by Butler, in his model developed in 1980, called the Tourist Area Life Cycle (TALC). This research applies TALC theory, synthesizing and discussing its concepts, relating them to the object of the study, identifying its stages and its causes that contribute to knowledge of the operationalization of the model and its efficiency. It is a qualitative study, with a case study, based on the empirical knowledge acquired through involvement with the enterprise in studies related to sustainability and tourism demand during the last few summer seasons. The results of this work demonstrate that the island experienced, in part, the life cycle stages determined by Butler, namely: exploration, involvement and development, and that it is currently in the consolidation stage. The phases were determined based on internal and external factors to the enterprise. Finally the study suggests some proposals in order to add information to Butlers model when developed with small, natural tourism locations


enterprise porto belo island turismo turismo tourist area life cycle (talc) tourism turismo - santa catarina ciclo de vida da área turística empreendimento ilha de porto belo

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