Nomadismos contemporâneos e interculturalidade em psicologia : uma abordagem ético-política / Nomadismos contemporâneos e interculturalidade em psicologia : uma abordagem ético-política




In the present dissertation ethical and political questioning that the migration process puts forward for psychologies and in particular for intercultural psychology in the construction of the subjectivities of this moment of intensification of globalization processes is discussed. The world and national migratory phenomenon is the point of reference that best reveals the implications as to how the capitalist system is recreating and disseminating new forms of existence and behavior. That phenomenon reveals more than just an encounter of cultures. It is a process that drives out cultures and subjectivities as to their condition of singularity and in so doing creates a homogenization of cultures where there is not space for difference and much less for solidarity. The focus of the analysis is intercultural psychology which tries to understand behavior and culture and how these relationships present themselves in different cultures starting from the phenomenon of globalization. In this contact there are multiplicities of subjectivities that are built within a universal social context that is the capitalist system. This being so one tries to understand how this line of psychology has caused problems for the ethical and political dimension, which provokes migration, in its reflections and services.


etical politics interculturalidade migration interculturality ciências humanas migração política ética

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