No lar e no balcão. As mulheres na praça comercial de Salvador (1850-1888).




The study named At home and in the balcony: women at commercial square in Salvador (1850-1888) is about the acting of women that lived in Salvador during the second half of the XIX century, that worked in the segment of commerce and services. The objective of the research was to draw a profile of these women, focusing the gender relations in a patriarchal society, the limitations imposed by the legal and moral codes, intending to demonstrate the contribution of those women for the local economy, basing on the commercial relationships of the province of Bahia and its relevance in the national scenario. The sources used showed the strength of small business and the importance of them to the baiana economy. This space characterized by submission was broke through by the women studied because they had the vocation or by necessity, by intervention of the exercising of their autonomy, daily, through the practice of the art to negotiate and the search for profit and enrichment.


patriarchate comércio riqueza women wealth bahia in the eighties of nineteen century patriarcado commerce mulheres bahia oitocentista ciências humanas

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