Mudança organizacional : o caso DECA eletronica da Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado de São Paulo / Organization change: the DECA case of the Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado de São Paulo (Bureau of Revenue Service of São Paulo State)




The present dissertation concerns about the modernization process of Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado de São Paulo (São Paulo state revenue service), focusing electronic DECA (dossier statement, firm data). This electronic DECA is inserted inside project of the PFE ? Posto Fiscal Eletrônico). This study include the analysis of bureaucracy, questions about organization changes, partnership of the envolved people, taxpayers and servants. Interviews were conducted with accountants and servants representative entities. Category and official newspapers were also employed. The aim is to show the context in wich changes happened. There are relations about the reinvention of government, the foundation of MARE ? Ministerio da Administração e Reforma do Estado, and a approach study to a period beginning from 1930 revolution to present days. This analysis shows a connection in historical times of that change, and the foreign influence, mainly from the United Sates, and from Federal Government in the São Paulo state program and from this late in the Secretaria da Fazenda. After confrontations with theoretical basis, like bureaucracy, changes, shared management and total quality management was verified that modernization occurred from up to down throusht the hierarchy, and strongly based on Information Technology and few participation of envolved people. In conclusions are offered suggestions for future changes in this bureaucratic entity


mudança bureaucracy information technology qualidade management gerencia change burocracia tecnologia da informação public administration administração publica quality

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