Monitoramento da satisfação de cliente em contexto business-to-business: um survey em empresas com certificado ISO 9001-2000 no Estado de São Paulo. / Costomer satisfaction in business-to-business context: A survey in ISO 9000 certified companies in São Paulo state.




The goal of this work is to identify how companies that act in business-to-business context accomplish the management of their customers satisfaction. This issue is very important in the current scene, in which companies invest expressive sums in several improvement programs and face great difficulties to evaluate the impact of these programs in the customers satisfaction and, in consequence, in their loyalty. In order to carry out this study, we have evaluated the available bibliography, especially that proceeding from the areas of marketing and quality management. The adopted methodology included both elements of quantitative and qualitative research, mixing a quantitative survey and analysis of multiple cases study. The universe for data collection were the companies with ISO 9000 certificate in the state of São Paulo, extracted from the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas data base. This analysis assumed that these companies monitor their customers satisfaction. The qualitative research was elaborated relying on the study of multiple cases in five companies selected in function of some criteria obtained from bibliographical evaluation and the answers to the quantitative survey. The conclusions of this study are: the certified companies in the state of São Paulo that act in business-to-business context use the satisfaciton research as a way of management their customers satisfaction; based on bibliographical revision and study of multiple cases, it is presented a model to monitor the customers satisfaction.


satisfação do consumidor certificação iso - são paulo marketing costomer satisfaction production engenering

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