Mobizoom : uma ferramenta baseada em zoom contínuo para visualização em páginas web em telefones celulares utilizando scalable vector graphics




The opportunity to access the Web anytime and anywhere is more common nowadays aided by mobile phones. Although many mobile phones access the Web, this access is made difficult by the small screens of these devices. The mobile phone Web access is especially disappointing when viewing previously known pages because of layout transformation that occurs to fit into the tiny display. This work presents a proposal that aims to make more comfortable the navigation of Web pages using the previous user s knowledge of the page layout. The proposal considers creating the MobiZoom tool with a server side to convert HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Web page in a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) document and a client side mobile phone browser using a Zoomable User Interface (ZUI). MobiZoom was implemented and a survey made. A comparative evaluation test was performed to guide when to use the proposed approach.


sistemas de informacao informÁtica - dissertaÇÕes

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