Manejo da fertirrigação em ambiente protegido visando o controle da salinidade para a cultura do pepino enxertado / Management of the fertirrigation in protecting environment aiming the control of the salinity for culture of grafted cucumber




With intention of contributing for the studies regarding the tolerance and effect of the salinity caused by fertilizer excess in the main explored cultures, the present work has had as objective to study the effect of different levels of ground salinity on the phenology variable and of production of the cucumber cultivated in vases and protected environment, and to check if the maintenance of the electric conductivity in one determined level promotes increment of the production when contrasted with the traditional management of fertirrigation. This study was lead in the experimental area of the Department of rural Engineering of ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, SP. The treatments had been composed of the combination of two factors: 6 levels of initial salinity of the ground (S1 = 1,5; S2 = 2,5; S3 = 3,5; S4 = 4,5; S5 = 5,5 and 6,5 S6 = dS m-1) and two fertirrigation management: traditional (M1) and with control of the electric conductivity of the solution of the soil (M2). The adopted statistical delineation was of complete random blocks with the four repetitions, being the studied factors arranged in factorial project 6 x 2. The initial salinization of the soil was proceeded by means of the application of saline solutions prepared from fertilizers, being that the amount of salt was to be added was determined based a in curve of artificial salinization previously gotten in laboratory. The electric conductivity of the solution was measured after the ending of each event of irrigation, using extracts with porous capsules. The results show that it had significant effect, for all the studied factors and changeable studied answers, except for the changeable height of plants. The M1 management provided a great yield of fruits per plant, total and negatiable, in relation to management M2. Literature states that the culture of the cucumber is moderately sensitive to the salinity, and the value found for the salinity threshold (SL), under conditions of the referring study, was well above of the levels found in the literature.


fertirrigação fertilizantes solo salino solos - propriedades físico-quimicas. saline soil electric conductivity. fertilizers cultivo protegido pepino

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