MAN STAND BACK, HERE COMES A WOMAN... Representations of gender in the manifesttions of the Pombagira] / ARREDA HOMEM QUE AÍ VEM MULHER... Representações de Gênero nas Manifestações da Pombagira




Man Stand Back, Here Comes a Woman..., treats the represetnations of gender in the manifestations of the Pombagira, a spriritual being in Afro-Brazilian religiosity. The work makes a differentiated reading of the figure of the Pombagira, taking it to the social realm and showing its construction and its functions, demystifying its association with the evil which, we suppose, is related to her function as an intermediary in love relationships, linked to power through sexuality, in addition to her manifestation as a challenger to the womens role as it has been constructed. The research was carried out through observation of rituals and semi-structured interviews with priests of both sexes and adherents of Afro-Brazilian religiosity in Candomblé and Umbanda terreiros in the city of Porto Velho in the state of Rondônia. We present in the first chapter some observations about their images, functions and representations. In the second chapter we trace the constructions of her figure by social scientists, religious persons, and persons interviewed. The third chapter is dedicated to observations about the representations of the Pombagira, the central objective of the work.(AU)


religiosidade afro-brasileira ciencias humanas gender power afro-brazilian religiosity poder ritual gênero the quotidian social representations representações sociais ritos e cotidiano

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