Las imágenes inadecuadas de ciencia y de científico como foco de la naturaleza de la ciencia: estado del arte y cuestiones pendientes


Ciênc. educ. (Bauru)




This review aims to describe the state of the art in research into the nature of science, particularly in relation to images of science and scientists provided for different audiences. Among the inputs that were considered for this work, we took into account those that emerged from a postgraduate course. This allowed the use of meta-disciplinary tools, aimed at redefining and reshaping the object of study in the Ph.D. research process. The intention of the project is to investigate how the ideas of science teachers about science and its teaching can be obstacles to achieving good learning in students entering school which puts them at a disadvantage in terms of cultural capital. In this sense, the degree of depth in understanding the nature of science held by teachers becomes important.

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