Juventude na educação de jovens e adultos : novos sujeitos num velho cenário.




This study, entitled The youth in EJA: new subjects in an old scenery, is the result of a research developed with young people between 15 and 24 years. It is concentrated on the young-and-adult educational system in a public school of Salvador. The efforts are centered on the comprehension of the senses produced by EJAs young people in relation to their school-life and the repercussion of those senses in the configuration of coherent pedagogical goals linked to their specific demands. The research, developed under the qualitative perspective, takes an ethnographic case study wich assumes the multireferentiality as the theoretical guideline, highlighting the ethnographical principles as the main axis. The work presents the following methodological procedures: research-inside observation, half-structured interviews, forms, photographical documents and dialogue groups. In concerning to the theoretical argumentation, it is organized under the close association with the schooltime biography of the students. In doing so, it establishes a dialogue on the notion of youth and identifies several modes according to different social groups of experiencing the cited condition. The reflexion on the globalization process is an evidence of its effects on the existencial production of meaning by young people belonging to the popular classes. The research reached its goal in concluding that there is an incompatibility between the social place attributed by school to EJAs students and their own perception of their insertion in the school system. Respecting the cited items, this research presents some strategies of resistence against the place where school puts itself, wich are expressed in attitudes that lead straight to the self-affirmation. As the study tries to put into question the relationship webs inside the school, contradictory phenomena are observed: the school is presented as a space of exclusion and fear and, at the same time, as a space of protection and sociability. The power relations that cross everyday life in school point to some aspects of the created silence, a strategy to pretend diminishing violence and to argue for the awful quality of the education offered until now. Young people search EJA because of a school-life with any practical sense to their lives, realize the negative force of the social stigmas inside the teaching-and-learning process and social inclusiveness, assume the need for a valorization of their own cultures and knowledge, recognize its fragilities and go to school guided by the hope of being aware of the official contents, to be listened and to construct successfully paths for life and for their professional career. To do so, this research points the sensible audition as an efficient way to create a link between the students demands and to make possible the elaboration of a specific project to EJAs young students.


resistência school resistence young and adults education biographies escola young people meaning jovens educação de jovens e adultos biografias educacao significados

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