Itinerários cruzados: os caminhos da contemporaneidade filosófica francesa nas obras de Jean-Paul Sartre e Michel Foucault




In the French scenery of the 1960s and 1970s decades, Foucault is one of the most expressive persons to criticize the philosophical modernity. Since his complementary thesis on Kants Anthropology (1961), sustained mainly on the reinstatement of the Nietzschean démarche, the author will consider urgent the task of putting a full stop to the proliferation of the questions about the man. Jean-Paul Sartre in his turn seems to represent at that time the antithesis of the Foucaultian project: his Critique of Dialectical Reason inaugurates the 1960s decade with an effort to reinstate the dialecticity of the subject itself, considering it as an irreducible element to the intelligibility of history. Thus, acknowledging dialectics as the living logic of action, Sartre intends that the man and his action be rediscovered in the core of marxism itself and the Sartrean ontology which started with Being and Nothingness (1943) is submitted to the need of establishing the foundations of an anthropology in the field of the individuals practical historialization. Starting from the antagonism represented by the concurrent projects of Jean-Paul Sartre and Michel Foucault in the context of the sixties, this work intends to revisit the trajectory of both authors in order to outline the choices and dilemmas (political and theoretical) of two different generations of French contemporary philosophy. To the resolute Sartrean humanism with its indelible centrality of subject will correspond Foucaults attitude of equal resolute antihumanism. Thus, Sartres existentialism translated by Foucault as a methaphysics of subjectiveness will find its most incisive challenge in the Foucaultian theme of the death of man place of convergence of a generation which could be called (not without mistakes) of post-existentialist


subjetividade methaphysics of subjectiveness philosophical antropology foucault, michel -- 1926-1984 -- critica e interpretacao existencialismo arqueologia genealogia existentialism antropologia filosofica arqueology metafisica genealogy metafísica da subjetividade sartre, jean-paul -- 1905-1980 -- critica e interpretacao filosofia

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