O problema da totalidade na ontologia de Jean-Paul Sartre




Since the first steps of Being and Nothingness, Sartre has shown us that his investigation of how Being may tum into the "Whole-being" makes part of the building of his ontology. lt concerns most of his thoughts as the being of the phenomenon and the pre-reflective cogito come to be the essential moments of his reflection. We consider that this problem has an outstanding position in his philosophy and therefore, it asks for a privileged treatment. By coming to this conclusion, this study has the main goal of demonstrating that the analysis of how the being projects its totality may lead us to the understanding of some relevant topics of Jean-Paul Sartre s ontology. In order to make such analysis, we take four basic moments of Being and Nothingness into consideration: 1 - the immediate pre-reflective cogito; 2 - the psychical and originating temporality; 3 - the being-for-others; 4 - the being-initself- for-itself. After the presentation of the fundamental theses under this proposal of interpretation, we raise, by the end of our work, some doubts about the way Sartre deals with the matter


ontologia existencialismo

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