Intuição e dedução nas regras para a direção do espirito




The Cartesian description of the cognitive apparatus left an open question to the history of philosophy. The "scholars" have characterized the understanding operations as both distinct and complementary. The "intuitionists" have defined knowledge paths through the reduction of deduction to intuition. Our dissertation proposes the analysis of the origins of the Rules for the direction of the mind as well as an investigation of the content and application of cognitive processes in order to resolve a noticeable problematic in "Cartesian theory of knowledge" interpretations. Through the resource to both modern algebra and the distinction of the concepts of understanding "operation" and "act" we sustain the presence of the operations of intuition and deduction as well as a sole act of apprehension, the intuitive. The defense of those points has brought us to a new reading of the cognitive apparatus in the mentioned work


pensamento teoria do conhecimento intuição cognição algebra historia - filosofia

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