Infuência da manobra de forsberg na medida indireta da pressão na artéria radial / Forsberg manouver influence in indirect blood pressure measure at radial artery




Blood pressure measure in forearm, as an alternative for upper arm measure in obese people, became a polemic issue since 1960 due to Korotkoff sounds inaudibility in many subjects.The aim of this study was to verify if Forsberg approuch make easier the Sounds Korotkoff auscultation in pressure measured at radial artery. Transversal study performed in 101 subjects at UNIARARAS,( 30,7% faculty members, 40,0% employees and 35,2% students), a probabilistic sample with a high representative level of the institution. Ethic and administrative procedures, were taken into consideration during all the study. The experiments were performed in one of the Uniararas laboratory, when volunteers had blood pressure measured in forearm. Individual cuffs were used, employed agreement with ( 40% of forearm circumference) which was measured in the midlle point between ulnas olecranon and radius styloid process. Variables related to observer and equipment errors were controlled. After a traditional procedure, Forsberg maneuver was performed in order to increase local blood flow. The subject was asked to press its right wrist with the left hand while researcher also pressed over the cuff. After 1 minute the segment has pressure relieved and another the blood pressure was recorded. Korotkoff Sounds were present in 30,69% and 20,1% (p= 0,0087) of the sample before and after a maneuver, respectively. Hower, our success rate was lower then that obtained by Forsber et al.


enfermagem radial artery manobra manouver enfermagem nursing artéria radial blood pressure pressão arterial

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