Influencia dos niveis de grãos avariados de milho (Zea mays L.), na contaminação com aflatoxinas, no rendimento da moagem umida e em algumas caracteristicas do amido extraido




The corn wet milling industry like other com processors has generally the official classification with modifications or not as unique tool of quality control of their raw material. Com users associate too, the grain defects kinds defined for official classification e levels of presence the damaged grains in the com lot with presence, distribution and aflatoxin level in one corn lot. The adoption of limits to damaged grains, established by Brazilian official classification, to assess com lots quality destined to wet milling or to establish relation with presence or aflatoxin levels, does not have fundamental technical. Therefore, they are necessary studies that determine better the influence of kinds of damage and levels of presence these over wet milling process and aflatoxin contamination. In this project we intended to check the influence of presence level of damage grains in com lots over: aflatoxin presence and distribution, yields of wet milling process used to extract starch and some characteristics of starch. The blight greenish yellow fluorescent points distribution, observed by ultraviolet light technique, among groups of damaged grains defined in official classification and its relationship with levei of sample contamination was checked too. The results showed that normally the group one of grains (fermented, sprouted, mouldy and heated grains) had the highest levels of aflatoxin contamination and the group three (normal grains) had the lowest leveI. The group two (insect attacked, immature, broken, damaged by different sources and up to % of surface fermented grains) and four (Impurites, strange material and fragments of corn) normally showed contamination levels between group one and three. The contribution of each defect group to total contamination level of sample ranged from sample to sample, but the group two normally contributed more to total leveI. It was not observed on samples a significant correlation between presence percentage of grains group and total level of sample contamination. The distribution of fluorescent points showed that defect groups two and four had normally the most fluorescent points of contaminated samples. The correlation results between the number of fluorescent points observed in each group and the contamination level suggest that visualization of group two should be studied as way to improve the efficiency of ultraviolet light technique to detect probably contaminated samples. The presence of grain groups into Brazilian official classification limits did not affected the wet milling products yields (steep liquor solids, germ, fiber, starch and gluten filtrate solids). Despite Brazilian official classification limits of group grains did not influence the wet milling yields, the grain group one and two may to influence yields when present in high levels as observed in treatment E and F, where 100% of wet milling raw material was of the group one and two, respectively. When compared to wet milling of raw material compound just of normal grains, the wet milling of raw material with ali grains of group one decreased the germ and starch yield while increased gluten. Ever the wet milling of raw material with ali grains of group two decrease the germ and fiber yields while increased starch ...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


classificação aflatoxina milho - qualidade milho

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