Igualdade e diversidade no trabalho da mulher negra: superando obstáculos por meio do trabalho decente




The object of this Dissertation is the study of the conditions of the black woman job in Brazil and the mechanisms that are necessary to overcome the inequalities that were observed. It is because, on the last years, the studies about the woman job are being developed because of the intensive incorporation of the feminine workforce on the job market and because the discriminatory practices linked with that incorporation, fact that can be easily checked out with the analyze of the statistics data showed by the responsible organisms for the official researches in Brazil. These elements revel that the black women workers are on the last degree on the social and economical scale, facing discriminatory practices because of the race and gender. Although the existence of the statistics, the specifics studies about the black woman job are rare, while they must be done, because the inclusion process of they is happening on conditions extremely unequal if did the comparison with the others workers groups. To conclude this, it is enough observe characteristics like job market inclusion, revenue, growth opportunities and job quality. The Brazilian juridical order and the international normative provide equal treatment among all of people, men, women, white or black, on work environment, forbidding discrimination. However, it is not enough to establish the real gender isonomy at work. So, it is a challenge for all social actors, specially the State, the employers, workers and the trade union, as assure the International Labour Organization, determine pipelines that can come true the material equality: the equality on the access opportunity, permanence and possibilities to grow up at the job market, without any kind of discrimination into sex or race. For it, it is necessary the materialization of the decent work, that is the same of dignity conditions, opportunity and equality.


direito do trabalho igualdade decent work black woman discriminação equality trabalho decente woman job trabalho da mulher mulher negra discrimination

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