Holism only in theory: the struggle of the nursing student s feelings about their education process. / Holismo só na teoria: a trama dos sentimentos do acadêmico de enfermagem sobre sua formação.




The current tendencies in the training of human resources appear for the professionals development with a critical and reflexive posture, with abilities that are beside technical aspects, being constituted a great challenge to preparing institutions. In nursing formation we also noticed this tendency and, in spite of the wide speech of the human being totality, we believed that technical dimension is still the essential concern in this process. We understand that are not any separations between personnel s professional dimension, where a person resides in a professional being and the professional integrates the human person, in a dialectical way. Starting from a humanistic referential, we developed this study in a qualitative approach, and sought to identify and to analyse the student s perceptions and feelings about Nursing course and its relationship with their own formation. The data were collected through individual interviews with the academics of the Nursing College at Federal University of Goiás, whose speeches were submitted to the content analysis. The results revealed that the students understand their teaching centred in technician-scientific knowledge, specifying the needs from those that they will attend, without considering the person that attends them, besides signalling that the academic way is permeated by several feelings that appear in function of experiences that happens. We considered that the lifted up aspects in this research offer important subjects to be rethought at Nursing Colleges, in the sense of contemplate student s formation as an integral person and integrated in their actions.


nursing saúde mental holism enfermagem holismo education mental health educação em enfermagem

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