Historiografia do ensino profissional paulista: as marcas do modo de produção




This work presents the results of the revision of initiatives and ideas raised by the historiography of São Paulo s Professional Education in the mid 1880 s to mid 1940 s. The publications revised (with their authors and year of publishing) are: Trabalhadores urbanos e ensino profissional (Maria Alice Ribeiro, Coraly Gará Caetano and Maria Lúcia Caira Gitahy, 1986); A Escola Profissional de São Carlos (Ester Buffa and Paolo Nosella, 1998); O ensino de ofícios nos primórdios da industrialização and O ensino profissional na irradiação do industrialismo (Luiz Antônio Cunha, 2000); Educação Profissional no Brasil (Silvia Maria Manfredi, 2002) and A socialização da força de trabalho: instrução popular e qualificação profissional no estado de São Paulo (1873-1934) (Carmen Sylvia Vidigal Moraes, 2003). The analysis were based on Bourdieu s concept of field, Sirinelli s concepts of network and trajectory of intellectuals, and Ferro s concept of mode of production. The objectives were: to revise how the historiography of Professional Education was produced, as well as its results; to point out the characteristics of this production and its relation to the History of Education; to verify the motivations behind authors s uses of specific analytical models. One concludes that this production was influenced by the configuration of the scientific field, especially by the fields of Education and History, and by discussions about the country s development and political regime that characterized the moments and circumstances in which the authors graduated and produced their works


campo educacional history of education professional education ensino profissional -- sao paulo (estado) -- historia historiografia educacao -- sao paulo (estado) -- historia educational field historiography história da educação topicos especificos de educacao

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