Gestão de riscos para acervos museológicos




Several typs of Risk Manegement for collection conservation have been developed since the 1990s, however museum institutions have not fully benefited nor employed resources from such programs in an efficient way. Taking in account this scene, the objective of this study is to contribute to the development of methodologies of evaluation and management of risks applied to the Brazilian museum through the presentation of a new methodology. Besides this, we carry out an inquiry in several historical museums and of art with the objective to check if the management of risks is being used by the Brazilian museum and how these applications are being carried out. The results obtained it helped us drawing the profile of the investigated museums and in the selection of the institution where we carry out the practical application of the proposed methodology. Meantime, so that we could define a coherent methodology with the view presented by the chosen institution it was carried out an inquiry on several available methods for the risk management in museums and in different areas. This inquiry provided us a knowledge deepened on each one of the methods and tools, securing a choice adapted for our proposed methodology.


museologia teses. museus teses. metodos de conservação em museus teses. teses eba.

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