O uso de cópulas para gestão de riscos


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The large number of publications in finance using currently copulas can be explained by the ability of this technique to deal with statistical evidence of non-normality of the return series of financial assets. The non-normality is evidenced by the "volatility smile" in the series of stock options near expiration, the existence of "heavy tails" in portfolios of institutions and consequently the risk management of the institutions. Especially regarding the Value at Risk (VaR), which is a statistical technique that aims to calculate the maximum loss a portfolio at a given time horizon considering a significance level, the existence of heavy tails in the series creates a problem for determining the joint probability distribution, resulting in great difficulty in measuring the degree of exposure to risk factors. This fact makes difficult the correct and effective risk management of a portfolio, because in theory, due to the existence of non-normality, it is not possible to separate the effects of assets with different characteristics. In cases of crises and bubbles, the portfolio may be riskier than desired or overly chatty. In this regard, the use of copulas becomes attractive, because with this technique is possible to separate the marginal distributions of each dependence structure of the variables. The objective is to propose a model of risk using copulas for the calculation of Value at Risk (VaR), using the methods of volatility GARCH (1,1), EWMA and HAR. The empirical application of the model was made from a sample of a series of returns of a theoretical portfolio of assets in equities (shares) of Petrobras, Vale, Usiminas and Gerdau. The sample corresponds to the daily prices in the period between March 3rd, 2006 until April 30th, 2010, representing 1026 daily observations. The results obtained showed that copulas tend to generate a Value at Risk (VaR) for the most significant families of copulas, when tested by the Test of Kupiec (1995).


volatilidade value at risk (var) mercado financeiro market risk value at risk : var copulas análise de risco

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