Geoprocessamento e o modelo shift-share na analise das transformações do uso da terra nos municipios do Comite da Bacia Hidrografica do Rio Mogi-Guaçu (SP), 1979 a 2001




This research identified the main factors that influenced the land use changes in counties belonging to the Mogi-Guaçu river Watershed Committe, between 1979 and 2001. The area is located in a strategic geographical region and has a significant agricultural production at the state, national and international levels. This study was carriOOout in three steps. The first one had the objective of elaborating a database with the results of the Shift-Share model applied to the statistic data gathered from the Annual Agricultural Municipal Production Report, ftom the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), for the study area in periods of three years: 1979/80/81, 1989/90/91 and 1999/2000/2001. The se~ond step consisted of elaborating a Spatial Database, with the multitemporal analysis of the ~ agricultural land use within the study area (Barrinha, Dumont, Jaboticabal, Pitangueiras, Santa Lúcia and Sertãozinho) using LANDSAT2-MSS, patb/row 235/075 (A e C), 235/076 (A) and 236/075 (A, B e D) of 1981;LANDSAT 5-TM, path/row 219/075 (A e C), 219/076 (A) and 220/075 (A, B e D) of 1990; and LANDSAT 7-ETM+, patb/row 219/075 (A e C), 219/076 (A) e 220/075 (A, B e D) of 2001. The third part was the integration and comparison of the two methodologies for the analysis of land use changes and agricultural production. The resuhs had evidenced that they are complementary for the carried through analyses. The Shift Share model basic characteristic is to quantify the main components of agricultural variation, while the study of land use changes using geoprocessing gave a geographicallocation of these changes possibiliting to analyse causes that had 100 to such transformation. In the study area it can be noticed that the the expansion of agricultural production occured mainly because the substitution of lesser yield agricultural crops by sugarcane, and also by more agricultural intesive land use


solos - manejo soil management sensoriamento remoto sistemas de informação geografica geografic information systems remote sensing environment analysis analise ambiental

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