Genesis capitulos 1 e 2, 1-4 : um estudo de traduções e exegese




In order to illustrate biblical exegesis, translations made directly from Hebrew are examined on the basis of the interpretations of Rashi: one of the great savants of Judaísm. Among the translations are those of Haroldo de Campos, André Chouraqui, Rabbi Meir Matzliah Melamed and Aryeh Kaplan, to which I compare my own translation (DaI Fabbro, author of this dissertation). The analysis examines linguistic levels (syntactic, morphologic and lexico-semantic) as well as pragmatic and stylistic factors. The theoretical support for this dissertation comes from Umberto Eco (the concept of "text intention"), Neusa Travaglia (the translation as "resignificance") and Patrick Dahlet (linguistical-cognitive approach of textual production). It is concluded that all the translations are concemed with meaning in terms of Hebrew language and culture, in other words, they search for the intention of the textoThe differences between translations are due to (1) the linguisticallevel privileged by each of the translators, (2) point of view, (3) the relation between translator and reader (pragmatics) and (4) stylistic variations


tradução e interpretação lingua hebraica judaismo biblia - historiografia

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