Formação de trabalhadores em lazer : por uma educação no e para o tempo livre.




This is a doutorado thesis of, constructed under the form of Researchaction, that argues the Continued Formation carried through in a Municipal Program of Sport and Leisure, in the city of Recife. It reflects on the importance of the education in and for the free time and the basic paper of the constructed Continued Formation as space of theoretical quarrel, in the direction of the magnifying of the knowledge of the responsible citizens for the together pedagogical intervention to the communities, and as construction space accomplishes of a Program capable to guarantee, to democratize and to extend the access to the sport and leisure for all the segments of the population. The Continued Formation the one that this work if relates, if gave through a collective process of construction between the citizens that are part of the Program Popular Circles of Sport and Leisure, in weekly Pedagogical and Specific Meetings; in annual Meeting of Continued Formation and the participation in Seminaries and Events of scientific character and/or politician in the scope of the education and the leisure. Being of this constructed form, this model of Continued Formation guaranteed that managers, trainees, professors and communitarian agents of sport and leisure could create new possibilities of work in community with the sport area and leisure, that surpassed some elements that limit the performance, happened of situated values in the logic of the capital, gifts in the empirical experience and the experiences of formation (initial or continued) the one that these citizens had been displayed previously. This because this model of Continued Formation searched to develop, through the guarantee of the participation of all, in its continuous construction, the development of an action human being pautada in the reflection freedom. Being constructed of this form, the carried through process of Continued Formation guaranteed that beyond access to the knowledge, this was also a continuous space of evaluation and planning of the actions, as well as of the systematization of these in the direction serving as new elements for the reflection of the educators. To leave of this research-action, we conclude that the Continued Formation is a basic space for the construction of public Politics directed toward the education, if this will be constructed in a collective relation and through an attitude of freedom for all the involved citizens. E this work comes to add itself with others developed Group LEPEL/FACED/UFBA - Study and Research in Physical Education &Sport and Leisure, of the Line of Research - Education, Corporal Culture and Leisure of the Program of After-graduation of the UFBA.


recreação formação continuada professores de educação física urban community comunidade urbana professors of physical education educacao recreation sports and state educação e estado esportes e estado adolescentes adolescents education and state tempo livre free time continued formation administration of the time

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