Floração em amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.)




The groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L. ), Leguminosae is a herb plant, annual, with prostrate and erected branches, yellow flowers located in axillary positions. In the present work, studies on the influence of some environmental factor, such as photoperiod, temperature and water leveI, in the variety "Tatuí" of this species, are described. It was determined that this plant shows a quantitative response to long days. A residual effect of the photoperiod on the second generation plants was observed. The results suggest that the photoperiodic sensibility of parent plants are transmited to the plants of second generation. The temperature is a factor that strongly influences the flowering process. Plants kept in the period autumn-winter produced more flowers than those kept in the period spring-summer. The night temperature influences the flowering process in this variety of groundnut. The low temperature during dark period is a condition that promotes this phisioIogical Process. On the other hand, high temperature during the dark period, showed to be a negative factor. for the flowering process in this species. The water leveI strongly infIuences the flowering process in this variety of groundnut. Plants kept under water deficiency showed a decrease in vegetative growth, as well as in flower production


amendoim - floração

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