Felix-Emile Taunay : cidade e natureza no Brasil




This doctoral thesis studies the French painter Félix-Émile Taunay career in Rio de Janeiro, in between the years of 1824 and 1851. We analyze his activity as landscape painter, as well as his activity as director of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts between 1834 and 1851, when he implemented several innovations in the area of artistic teaching. Among such accomplishments, we can list the development of a drawing course, the creation of the Exposições Gerais de Belas Artes (General Expositions of Fine Arts) in 1840, the organization of the Picture Gallery of the Academy, the Prix de Rome in 1845, and the existence of a continuous concern about the action of the artist in society. In this sense, it was of chief importance the work of Taunay in cooperation with Grandjean de Montignv for the professional establishment of academic architects in the carioca society at the time. The account of Taunay s landscape painting in this thesis is twofold. First, there is the analysis of the first Brazilian panorama exhibited in Paris - the Panorama da Cidade do Rio de janeiro - based upon Taunay s projected drawings, painted by Guillaume Ronmy in 1824. Second, we focus on the landscape painting from the 1820 s to the 1840 s, which gradually show a new thematic account of the genus. With this work we attempt to cover a hiatus in the Brazilian history of art of the nineteenth century, a gap existing in the history of artistic teaching as well as in the subject-matter of landscape painting


natureza (estetica) arquitetura - brasil paisagens na arte arte - estudo e ensino

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