Evolução da microestrutura e textura com a temperatura de acabamento de um aço GNO 1,3% Si




Silicon steels with non-oriented grain are used in a wide variety of applications, from small electrical machines, where high permeability is important, to large machines, where a low magnetic loss is the most important factor. The magnetic properties are determined, in large extent, by the final recrystallization texture produced, which is connected to the texture developed during the intermediate production stages of the GNO steels and, specially, to the grain structure and texture of the hot-rolled steel. This work studied the influence of the finishing rolling temperature on the evolution of the structure and of the texture of a non-oriented grain steel with 160ppm of carbon and 1.3wt% of silicon. The evolution of the ferritic grain structure with the finishing rolling temperature shows that the average grain size decreases with the decrease of the rolling temperature in the austenitic field and increases with the decrease of the rolling temperature in the dual phase field, reaching 97m for the rolling at 800C, in the ferritic field. During hot rolling in the austenitic field, the transformation texture of the recrystallized austenite presents a high fraction of the random component. In the dual phase and the ferritic fields rolling, the transformation and deformation texture is predominantly  fiber, with high values for the orientation densities of the components (001)[110], (114)[110] and (113)[110]. It was observed a tendency of the components (001)[110], (114)[110] and (113)[110] of the  fibers, to have their orientation densities increased when the finishing rolling temperature is reduced. One can conclude that the rolling in the austenitic field, at higher temperatures, provides the needs of the thermomechanical process and of texture, which will lead to a non-oriented grain steel with better magnetic properties.


ligas (metalurgia) ligas (metalurgia) rolling temperature (metallurgy) laminação (metalurgia) engenharia de materiais e metalurgica steel(metallurgy) aço (metalurgia)

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