Estudo epidemiologico das fraturas do complexo zigomatico-orbitario e arco zigomatico tratadas pela Area de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facias da Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba - Unicamp




The purpose of this study was review, during a five-year period, the zygomatic-orbital complex and zygomatic arch fractures treated by the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Piracicaba Dental School ? Unicamp. The age and sex distribution, anatomical types of fractures, associated maxillofacial and nonmaxillofacial trauma, causes of injuries were described. One thousand eight hundred and fifty seven patients with oral and maxillofacial trauma were evaluated. A total of 371 zygomatic-orbital complex and zygomatic arch fractures cases were found in the population. After the chart records analysis it was noticed the majority of fractures were sustained by males (82.75%) and whites (56.84%). The age group ranging from 21 to 40 years was most afflicted by zygomatic-orbital complex and zygomatic arch fractures (59.84%). Most patients presented tobacco and alcohol addiction (45.55%) and regular oral hygiene (54.45%). The etiology included falls (21.83%), altercations (19.41%), cyclistic accidents (15.63%), caraccidents (12.67%), motorcycle accidents (13.48%), sport related accidents (7.82%) and work accidents (3.77%). Isolated zygomatic-orbital complex fractures comprised 266 cases (38.27%) and zigomatic arch fractures 39 cases (10.51%). Additional facial trauma often involved mandible (7.55%), maxilla (5.39%) and nasal (5.12%) fractures. Associated nonmaxillofacial trauma was present in 45.55% cases, involving upper extremities (61.54%), lower extremities (36.09%), skull (24.85%), thoracic (17.75%), abdominal (5.33%) and neck (4.73%). The treatment of zygomatic-orbital complex and zygomatic arch fractures depended on the type of fracture and the give circumstance. In this study, 56.60% of the patients had no surgical intervention. The complication incidence was 6.20% related mainly with infection (17.39%), hypertrophic scars (8.70%), ectropion (8.70%) and scleral show (8.70%). One patient developed visual deficiency (4.35%). It was noticed most injuries were low-energy trauma, caused by falls and cyclistic accidents, involving mainly young adult male. Based on the results and review of the literature, this study gives important epidemiologic data, then featuring the population and traumas in this area at Sao Paulo State, Brazil.


epidemiologia fraturas

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