Estudo da toxicidade de diferentes estágios de crescimento da Brachiaria decumbens em ovinos




Were introduced into three paddocks (P, M e G) cultivated with Brachiaria decumbens, 21 sheep, male, from 4 months of age, for two months. In the pickets had forage 15, 45 and 90 days of growth respectively. Increase in the concentration of seric enzyme aspartatoaminotransferase occurred in the after the start of the experimente in group P and M and at the seventh week in group G, while the increase in gamaglutamiltransferase ocorred in the second week in group P and M and in group G occurred in the fourth week. The main clinical signs included apathy, photophobia, bilateral ocular secretions, mucous hyperemia of jaundice and facial swelling. When the animals showed clinical signs of sever intoxication they were withdraw from the experiment and it was performed an ultrasound guided liver biopsy. The sheeps that died were necropsied. The findings of the necropsy were hepatomegaly and distension of the gallbladder. In the microscopic assessment of biopsies and animals corpses the main findings included: swelling and vacuolization of hepatocytes, macrophages sparkling, crystal and cholestasis in light of bile ducts. The electron microscopy of liver of the poisoned animals reveled hyperplasia of smooth endoplasmic reticulum associated with the presence of crystals in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes. There were no Pitomyces chartarum spore in samples taken during the experiment. In assessing the levels of protodioscina the group P, group where the pasture was intense shooting had the highest concentration levels of protodioscina.


saude animal (programas sanitarios) ovino brachiaria decumbens protodioscina photosensitization fotossensibilização sheep protodioscina brachiaria decumbens

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