Estrutura e dinâmica da família sertaneja : estudo exploratório das famílias agricultoras da região do Maciço de Baturité/CE




The main objective of the study is to get know some aspects of the structure and dynamics of the agriculturist families of the Maciço de Baturité/CE region, that are related to the Familiar Agriculture, Agroecology and Market Project (AFAM), that disclosures in the above mentioned region, the practice of the ecological agriculture based on the maintainable development. The qualitative approach (Minayo et al, 2005) was chose as a method to study the 15 (fifteen) agriculturist families that were described in accord with the point of view that one of these members. The questionnaire (Günther, 1999), the transgeneration familiy genograme and the familiar life cycle (Carter &McGoldrick, 2001) were used as a data collect. The questionnaire made to obtain the data that would make possible to achieve the specific object proposed, had the following structure: socio-demographic data and family data, mental and body health, the migration familiar history, agricultural familiar (related to the transmissions through the knowledge, attitude and agricultural practice from the families); sustainability; success and failure; bad fare and welfare. Theses topics helped us to know the experiences oh the agriculturists report on each according to the item cited. Among the results, we could verify the existence of a gap between the parents generation and the sons generation related to the transgeneration transmission of agricultural knowledge, causing a change of the structure and of the dynamics of the agriculturists families that were object of this study. As the younger generation acquires notions of agro ecology, they tend to give no credit to the conventional agricultural practice used by their parents. In this case, the agriculturist work became questioned by the youngest, that aim to leave behind the country hand labor to become agricultural technician with agro ecology knowledge, or yet, the go for other occupation in the big cities. Thus, they break up with a whole tradition of knowledge transmission, attitudes and agricultural practices through the families generations, causing this abandon feeling in their parents and the lack of heirs to continue the family agricultural work. Keywords: structure and family dynamics; trigeracional family generation; knowledge, attitudes and agricultural practices.


psicologia social famÍlia - aspectos psicolÓgicos - dissertaÇÕes agricultura familiar - cearÁ - dissertaÇÕes

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