Estratégias de exploration &exploitation e competências sob a perspectiva da educação: um estudo das modalidades presencial e a distância em cursos de lato sensu, na área de gestão




This present thesis approaches, from an educational level, strategies of exploration and exploitation and competencies. This study was developed by comparing the modalities of courses, firstly where the student is present in the classroom, and then, distance learning in graduations course, both in the management area. Therefore, the following research problem was defined as: Does the process of education of a student, in graduation course (in the management area), stimulate the development and the use of competencies for the student to become a professional, who knows how to put into practice the knowledge of the strategies of exploration and exploitation in a balanced way? In this sense, actions of building up and developing knowledge by means of exploration and exploitation are understood to be actions which are born from strategies of the organization. The organizational strategies are those which will indicate how the organization will put into practice these actions. To achieve its goals, the research has been structured into four chapters. The first chapter defines concepts related to strategy for subsequent discussion of exploration and exploitation. The second chapter discusses the concept of organizational competencies within the following perspective: educational, organizational, typology of competence and also education for the competence in professional practice. The third chapter contextualizes the educational scenery to be researched highlighting the following points: the history of education, the Brazilian educational system, the graduation and the dynamics of Distance Learning Education. The fourth chapter addresses the methodological procedures and the results of studies carried out. The result of this research shows a list of 51 competencies social skills, functional, cognitive and meta competece. It is confirmed that a graduation course can stimulate the development and the use of competencies for the student to become a professional who knows how to put into practice the use of strategies in exploration and exploitation in a balanced manner.


modalidades de ensino administracao de empresas exploitation formação do gerente types of education exploitation competências pós-graduação competencies manager education exploration graduation exploration

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