Estratégias de cooperação e colaboração em micro e pequenas empresas




Small businesses have been frequently considered a major agent for the economic development, paying attention to the significant number of jobs provided by these kinds of company. Consequently, government has launched a wide range of programs in order to stimulate the expansion of investment and reduce the large number of firms that bankrupt after only few years. Nevertheless, many researchers demonstrate that the performance of the companies tends to be superior when the strategies are not strictly focused on competition among firms, but on the partnerships focused on cooperation and collaboration. These initiatives allow the access to specific resources and promote peculiar competitive advantages based on particular necessities of the local community. This study evaluates strategies adopted by small businesses, in order to verify the perception of entrepreneurs about the possibility to move from strictly actions to initiatives based on cooperation and collaboration among firms. Through the case study methodology, the research evaluates three enterprises located in a district in the north of São Paulo. The results contribute to researchers interested in small business studies, while evaluating the effectiveness and limits of cooperation partnerships, presenting different ways to implement these initiatives. On the other hand, this research permit the entrepreneurs to evaluate alternative management methods, expanding the vision on individual profits


micro empresas empreendedorismo small businesses pequenas e medias empresas entrepreneurship administracao planejamento empresarial

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