Estratégias de controle da deterioração aeróbia em silagem de milho e seu valor alimentício para vacas em lactação / Strategies to control top losses in corn silage and the nutritive value responses in Holstein cows


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Three experiments were conducted to evaluate different strategies to cover the silo. The experiment I evaluate the fermentation profile and aerobic stability of com silage covered with different types of plastic sheets, applying additives in the top layer and, protecting the fi 1m with soil, to reduce the top losses in com silages. Higher temperature values were observed for the com silage covered with the polyethylene film. The use of additives showed lower DM losses and pH values in relation the control silage. The presence of aflatoxin 81 was detected in three samples only for the silage covered with polyethylene film, without additive and without soillayer over the top of the film. The experiment 11 was designed to study the effectiveness of covering methods to reduce the top losses in maize silages. The. yeast count was higher for control silage. The dry matter digestibility showed higher values for the protected silos in relation to unprotected treatment. The experiment 111 was designed to evaluate different plastic sheets to seal horizontal silos and their influence on the silage quality, Holstein dairy cows performance and milk quality. There was no difference between treatments for the fermentation profile. The silages temperature values in the silo top and top side increased in relation to samples in the panel center. The deteriorated discarded silage showed high values in silages covered with black virgin polyethylene and black-on-with polyethylene films. Those plastics films showed the highest rates of oxygen permeability. The diet containing silage from black recycled polyethylene with bagasse protection showed the highest value for milk yield, while the lowest milk yield was found to the black virgin polyethylene treatment. Over the experimentation period, the presence of aflatoxin 81 in silage was observed. The diet containing silage from black recycled film protect with bagasse treatment showed the highest digestibility of both dry matter and organic matter. The polyamide plastic film, the use of soil or sugarcane bagasse as a plastic film protection and, application of additives on the silo upper layer, reduce the com silage aerobic deterioration. Inhibiting the silage warming by using polyamide plastic film or sugarcane bagasse, helps in obtaining better quality silage management, reducing the costs and labor associated with the discarded silage. Animal performance is affected by the strategy used to seal the silage and may even affect hygienic quality of milk


lactação animal animal lactation corn leite - produção micotoxinas milho milk production mycotoxins nutritive value. silage deterioration silagem -deterioração vacas valor nutritivo. dairy cows

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