Esporte contemporâneo: um novo templo do capital monopolista / Contemporary sports: a new temple of monopoly capitalism


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study aimed to open a discussion about the role of contemporary sports with the process of alienation in a time domain of monopoly capitalism and the strengthening of the dominant ideology. To this end, the first chapter, we analyzed the major transformations experienced by capitalism historically intended to identify the impact of monopoly capitalism on the new order of humanity. In the second chapter, it was demonstrated how the sport from its origins to today, has been integrated into the capitalist mode of production, participating in the masking process of "social issue". This chapter highlights the use of documentary sources that demonstrated how the contemporary sports has occupied a strategic place along both the production of the dominant ideology, as with the control of the falling rate of profit. It was identified that under such conditions the contemporary sports make up the front of the compensatory processes falling tendency of the rate of profit and at the same time, integrates the process of alienation, with the highest expression and its materialization in the form of sports mega-events . At this point, the research focuses on the analysis of sports mega-events in Brazil and the creation of policies of the sport since the first Lula da Silva to the present day. It was identified that the development projects of the sport in the country during the period under consideration here, have participated in the process of managing the crisis of capital and the reflux of workers struggles. The last chapter dealt with the particular involving the post-modern ideology with the purpose to identify the relations with this sport phenomenon. It was found that, once the domain of monopoly capitalism and its neoliberal policies, the contradictions sharpen the divestiture process under which is the working class around the world, puts humanity into a new level of alienation, even more brutal and dehumanizing. At this juncture, the contemporary sports stands out for being both functional in the globalized market, as the imperialist project and is viewed as an instrument of containment of conflicts in the name of tolerance and peace in the world.This research could conclude that the conditions imposed by the monopoly stage of capitalism conceal the dialectic nature of sport makes it an efficient tool to increase the dominant design of human alienation. The sport, in the form assumed in contemporary, does not contribute to the advancement of working-class consciousness, as has been helping to postpone the project for the emancipation of humanity. This project will only be produced by the organization aware of the working class in pursuit of overcoming the capitalist mode of production.


emancipação humana alienação nacionalismo esporte contemporâneo capitalismo monopolista ciencias sociais aplicadas esportes e globalização capitalismo contemporary sports monopoly capitalism nationalism alienation human emancipation

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