O panorama do design gráfico contemporâneo: a construção, a desconstrução e a nova ordem / The panorama of contemporary graphic design: construction, desconstruction and the new order




Taking graphic design as an observation axis, the course followed in the professionalization of this activity and the factors that led the message to take its current graphical form were analyzed. In this investigation, not only the changes brought about by the introduction of digital technology were considered, but also the transformation of cultural trends and patterns which determined the period studied. Modernist principles were used as a starting point, as systemized by Bauhaus and arranged by the guidelines established by the Swiss School, which determined the role of the graphic design as a neutral transmitter and whose proposal was clarity, objectivity and functionality, through universal forms and freed of regional values. The main objective was to analyze the loss of supremacy of these values, accompanied by the introduction of the digital technology, with new equipments offering new tools, which enabled new approaches in the conceptualization of projects.


comunicação visual design gráfico graphic design printing tipografia visual communication

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