Equação e seus multisignificados no ensino de matemática: contribuições de um estudo epistemológico




The present study has the aim to investigate the meanings of the notion of equation in the teaching of Mathematics. The relevance of this subject is justified by the importance that the teaching of equations has in the Basic Mathematical Education. From the necessities pointed on researches in the area of Mathematical Education in relation to the meanings of mathematical concepts in the education process and learning of Mathematics, the present study intends to collaborate with the Algebraic Education, with the aim of supplying elements that can be used as basis for future researches with similar concern. Developed in the perspective of a theoretical essay, the present research analyzes the epistemological development of the notion of equation, relating it to a bibliographical study in Semiotics Representation Registers by Raymond Duval and Didactic Transposition, by Yves Chevallard. On the final results the multimeanings for the equation notion which had been conceived are presented, on one hand, taking into account the notion of equation while a study object - as it appears throughout the history of the Mathematics - and, for another one, the conception of equation as an algorithm - as it appears in didactic books, scientific articles, amongst others. It is still discussed the importance to conceive equation, at a first moment, without the concern about definitions or formalisms , but simply conceiving it as a primitive notion, that can be used in an intuitive way and with a strong pragmatic appeal. On the final considerations it is suggested that the results of this study can be used in new researches that have convergent objectives as the ones presented on this study


equação equacoes equation algebraic education meaning epistemological study educacao matematica matematica educação algébrica significado matematica -- estudo e ensino estudo epistemológico

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