Entre arabescos, luas e tâmaras:- performances islâmicas em São Paulo / Between elements of Islamic religious symbolism: islamic performances iin São Paulo (Brazil)




This thesis presents elements of Islamic religious symbolism observed among the Muslim communities of São Paulo and São Bernardo dos Campos. Research material is largely drawn from an ethnography of festivals - sacrifice and the breaking of fast - and Friday mandatory prayer. The thesis is also based upon the analysis of interviews, carried out in the presence of the researcher or by means of Orkut and MSN, and the production of videos and photographs that interact directly with the written text. In accordance with performance theory, an attempt is made to answer the following question: what is the meaning of being a muslim? We consider that the muslim ethos expresses itself in the recitation of the sacred word. The notion of restored behavior, proposed by Richard Schechner (1985), is particularly helpful for understanding a religious experience that becomes effective in daily prayer, and expresses itself through behavior, as performance. The Anthropology of Performance is used throughout the thesis, especially as a tool to analyze various performances - of muslims (by birth or conversion), of the sheik and of the researcher herself, during festivals and prayers. It was possible, in such contexts, to apprehend networks that constitute these performances - as expressions of "appropriate" behavior and negotiated forms of embodying religious experience. Also, it was possible to determine the manner in which meaning was attributed to Ramadan fasting, killing of lambs, Koranic recitations, and construction of the feminine body. Furthermore, attention is given to ways in which religious meaning is (re)elaborated.After nine years of research, at both master and doctoral levels, we have come to the conclusion that, for the Muslim, Islam involves an experience of complete surrender to God, as revealed in prayer, not only through words, actions, and gestures, but, also, through the very body and bodily senses. To prostrate oneself in prayer is a sign of surrender not only in word and thought, but, also, in body and soul.


imagens; islã; muçulmanos de nascimento; performance; reversos; sentido comportamento restaurado; corpo body; images; islam; muslim by birth; muslim convert; performance; restored behavior; senses

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