Efeito da configuração do bico da lança na interação jato-banho metálico em convertedor LD




Different technologies and new devices have been incorporated into BOF converters to increase their productivity in order to face the demand for steel production.Gerdau Barão de Cocais Steelplant also introduced new techniques and technologies into its BOF converter. These improvements led to a increase in the capacity of the BOF converter from 18 to 30 tons of liquid steel per heat, with the same basic lay-out. Despite this significant increase, Gerdau Barão de Cocais is still looking for new developments that could lead to further increases in the productivity of its BOF converter. The production of liquid steel in BOF converter involves a sequence of steps. The most important and time consuming step is the oxygen blow. Therefore, any reduction in this time can have a significant impact on the BOF productivity. The study of oxygen blow is very complex and involves different phenomena, including the development of the supersonic jet, the interaction of the jet with the surrounding atmosphere and with the metallic bath, where the main reactions occur. In the present work, different alternatives for the design of the lance tip have been evaluated and the interaction of the supersonic jet with the metallic bath have been characterized. The investigation was performed using a physical model of Gerdau Barão de Cocais BOF converter.


engenharia metalúrgica teses. engenharia de minas teses.

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