Educadores matemáticos brasileiros e as configurações informais de aprendizagem


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research paper shows a study about informal venues of learning based on the articles published on annals of National Reunion of Math Education, in 2001, 2004, 2007 and 2010. The main issue that guided this research was: How do Brazilian math teachers characterize the informal venues of learning through their articles? Inspired by Discursive Textual Analysis it was possible to constitute the data base, that is, a corpus, and develop a qualitative investigation. To corpus constitution, 1616 articles were analyzed, but only 51 were related to the theme, even implicitly. It was then possible to observe that the production of articles concerning this theme has grown throughout the last decade. After corpus constitution, the aims, the subjects and the places mentioned in the articles were identified, selected and categorized. During this process it was observed that regarding the subjects, the venues planned places for informal education and learning programs in non-school settings are convergent in the categories: teachers, students and people from the community; concerning day-by-day experience the subjects are: family, friends and co-workers, and the places are considered natural environments, where people develop their leisure or work activities. As the name implies, in the first venue the places are physically structured in order to provide learning, however the second venue is developed in all places previously mentioned. However not only the places and the subjects are classification factors of an informal venue of learning, because it also depends on the quantity of evidences related in educational context and the intensity in which they appear: the structure of the physical environment, the interference of the monitor or teacher, precision degree in which education is evaluated, the presence of a curriculum to be developed. By observing these three categories, one may distinguish the informal venues of learning in a certain educational content. In this investigation the actions outlined in the goals were also analyzed as well as the final considerations of the 51 articles, making it possible to verify that most part of the investigated actions is reflexive and descriptive, being convergent between the venues planned space for informal education and learning programs accomplished in non-school settings. Concerning final considerations in all venues there is a worry to suggest that experiences of the articles be taken to the classroom and attention should be paid regarding citizenship formation. This paper has produced a set of descriptions about how the informal learning venues have been dealt with, what may help guide future investigations.


educação matemática matemática - formação de professores matemática - educação não-formal matemática - estudo e ensino mathematics education mathematics teacher training mathematics non-formal education mathematics study and teaching

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