Educação a distância na informação em saúde: o ensino do EPI INFO / Distance Learning in Health Information: Teaching Epi Info




This investigation verified the applicability of distance learning aiming to equip an audience of scholars - professors and professionals of the health area, to use the data bases and statistics program EPI INFO. The objectives of the investigation were to plan programmatic content and implement an online Course concerning construction and handling of the data bases and statistics program EPI INFO, ascertain the ease and difficulties involved in the implantation of Distance Learning (DL), describe students assessment regarding the Course in the virtual learning environment. The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for Course development was CoL (On Line Course). The content was developed and organized into four units: Unit 1: Designing of Questionnaire; Unit 2: Entering Data; Unit 3:Basic Handling of data in the analysis; Unit 4: Intermediate Analysis: Basic Statistics and Data Recovery. 32 students were enrolled of whom 10 effectively participated. Students who completed the Course evaluated Internet as a satisfactory learning tool. Course EPI INFO developed in the online modality presented in the evaluated items with ninety to one hundred percent I agree: content was well distributed and accessible to students; information presented was correct and well structured; use of images corresponds to text information; content was varied and met module objectives; classes presentation followed a logic and pleasant sequence covering the main issues of interest; visual presentation was adequate to the purpose of the study; access was quick; test was clearly presented; exercises were relevant to content reinforcement; presentation of entrance menu was clear and easily visualized; platform resources are efficiently used; environment facilitated interaction and communicability. The I agree items with sixty to eighty percent are: program was easily executable; it allowed navigation through contents. Contrary to what was intended, the Course should have begun with a pre-set date for all students, since students with irregular variation rhythms of learning went on without much interaction with one another, failing to contribute to the conjoint growth of the group. Digital learning environments have elements that configure a new educational context, different from that of presential learning, and for this reason it is crucial that new processes and strategies be created, so that they respond to the new necessities and circumstances of the new models. Thus, it is impossible to simply adapt new presential models.


distance learning internet internet educação a distância virtual learning environment ambiente virtual de aprendizado

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