Economia de comunhão: uma mudança cultural e política na construção do princípio da reciprocidade nas relações econômicas.




This study analyzes the Economy of Communion (EdC), a Project of social-economic character that is born from the Movement of the Focolares, a civil and ecclesial movement. Actually, the EdC meets dispersed for about 40 countries involving almost 800 companies. For understanding the EdC phenomenon is necessary will be situated in the context of crisis and reorganization of the capitalism, that it gains importance with the consequences of the inadequate neo-liberal politics to resolution social economic questions from ninety years. It is intensified, from ninety years, in Brazil and in retaken world one of that if it stipulated to call of Solidary Economy, this is not solution of all the problems, one understand that it can contribute in the orientation for public politics worried about the equity. One still search, from the debate of the peculiarities of the EdC to point out it in the core of the called Civil Economy.


sociologia econômica estado reciprocidade comercial sociologia mercado comunhão de bens

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