Dynamic and remote reconfiguration of FPGAs. / Reconfigurabilidade dinâmica e remota de FPGAs.




In this work it was studied several architectures of FPGAs devices available in the market, seeking the use of this technology in architectures of reconfigurable computing. It was specifically researched resources and techniques of dynamic reconfiguration of these devices. The possibility of reconfigure the hardware dynamically creates countless expectations to overcome the architectures of traditional computing. The concept of virtual hardware emerges, as well as a lot of difficulties in using actually this technology. Another promising characteristic that the technology FPGA offers it is the possibility to accomplishing remote upgrades of the hardware, without the need of physical substitution of equipments or of parts of them. In addition, a system multi-FPGAs was implemented with individually reconfigurable devices in local or remote way. This system can be the base for an architecture of reconfigurable computing, being it dynamics or not.


virtual hardware irl fpga hardware virtual computação reconfigurável reconfigurable computing

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