DiÃlogo entre Modo de Vida ComunitÃrio dos Adolescentes em Regime de Liberdade Assistida e a Proposta de InserÃÃo ComunitÃria do ECA / The Social Life of Teenagers in Assisted Freedom




This qualitative study sought to evaluate the relationships between the lifestyle of teenagers with criminal records and the social insertion program sponsored by the Estatuto da CrianÃa e do Adolescente ECA Lagamar region one of the most violent and poorest areas of Fortaleza was studied The social insertion proposal is practically applied by the project RaÃz de Cidadania, associated to the Prefeitura Municipal de Fortaleza and it is based upon the historic and cultural principles of social psychology using thematic analysis derived from directed individual and collective interviews Four male teenagers with age between fifteen and nineteen years constituted the subjects of this research Three specific objectives were established in order to evaluate the general objective i e to assess their social lifestyle These specific objectives are (1) to identify their most common social activities (2) to understand the process of attributing meaning to social interactions and (3) to analyze the application of the instrument of assisted freedom from the point of view of the subjects The results demonstrate some incongruence between the objectives of the assisted freedom mechanism and the measures leading to its application We have verified that these activities were rather exercises seeking to change habits reinforce discipline and rules observance than measures destined to create emancipation transformation of life and rebuilding of long term projects the primary objectives of the socio-educative instrument of assisted freedom It was also verified disarticulation between its application and the social life of the teenagers Thus such actions have revealed themselves as punctual disconnected and unassociated with the social scenarios


adolescÃncia adolescentes(meninos) â lagamar(fortaleza,ce) â usos e costumes liberdade assistida â lagamar(fortaleza,ce) psicologia social social life adolescence assisted freedom delinquentes juvenis interaÃÃo social em adolescentes â lagamar(fortaleza,ce) modo de vida comunitÃrio liberdade assistida adolescentes(meninos) â lagamar(fortaleza,ce) â conduta relaÃÃes humanas na adolescÃncia â lagamar(fortaleza,ce)

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