Descoberta de conhecimento em múltiplas perspectivas : aplicação em bases de dados do ICMS




In this work, we describe the methodology and techniques used in the task of exploring the tax database (ICMS) of the Secretary of the Treasury of the State of Ceara along with the initial results obtained from this process. It is a practical work within the context of Knowledge Engineering that makes use of organizational modeling techniques and inductive algorithms from automatic learning. The main contribution of this study lies in developing a methodology to assist in preparing data for submission to a concept formation algorithm that generates hierarchies which can then be viewed from various perspectives. This approach permits Treasury specialists to better structure information contained in the database and to abstract knowledge from it. The algorithm FORMVIEW generates concept hierarchies and reveals relationships between different hierarchical perspectives providing a means through which individuals of dissimilar levels of expertise may better communicate with one another.


banco de dados - dissertaÇÕes inteligÊncia artificial - dissertaÇÕes imposto sobre circulaÇÃo de mercadorias e serviÇos - dissertaÇÕes sistemas de informacao

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