Decoração soteropolitana na década de 70: cores, formas e representações.




The research turns on the Residential Decoration of the middle classes and high in the city of Salvador, in the decade of 70 of century XX, analyzed in its material and symbolic aspects.The objective work to contribute for the rescue of the History of the soteropolitana Decoration, and justifies - for the inexistence of enough academic production in this area, distinct of the History of the Furniture, in such a way national, how much in the Bahia.The information gotten in periodic books and, familiar photographs and in interviews with operating professionals in the area and members of the privileged social classrooms in the period of study, had subsidized the development of the work that it structuralized - in four chapters.From the analysis of questions related to the professional exercise in the architecture areas, art and design, established - the concept of Decoration that guided the Dissertação and that it took plastic form in three ambientações, congregated under the denomination of Tribes 70: souvenir and esquecimento.The definition of the Decoration as cultural manifestation, implied in the survey of the historical context of Brazil and Salvador in the decade of 70, notadamente as for the aspects of modernization of the city and its striking in the forms to live and to decorate.Through the analysis of the proposals ("trends") of the specialized magazines, national and foreign, in its relation with the local market of furniture and the decorations of the residences, it is possible to not only observe the plurality of styles adopted in Salvador between 1970 and 1979, as also, the existence of the binômio, modernity-tradition, strengthened for the colonial past of the city.Thus, through this study, we can exemplificar the relation between the values partner -cultural (representations) and the configuration (colors and forms) of the residential interiors.


decade of 70 - century xx memory salvador - bahia salvador - bahia artes plasticas memória década de 70 decoration decoração século xx

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